QUESTION I'm constantly on malaria drugs, fall ill every 2 weeks and always diagnosed with malaria.I'm getting really fed up and need a permanent solution to all of this. I want to live a healthy life and I'm tired of being on malaria drugs. How do I overcome malaria permanently? ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting … [Read more...]
Can’t Get Rid of Malaria
QUESTION Each and every month I am suffering from malaria ..Treatment is also going on but I am unable to get rid of it. ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting diagnosed? You should be getting a blood test, and not relying on symptoms only; the symptoms of malaria are very general and it could be that you are suffering from … [Read more...]
Malaria in Limpopo, South Africa
QUESTION In which year did malaria spread in Limpopo? ANSWER Malaria has likely been in the southern part of Africa for many hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In recent times, control initiatives have been in place in areas of malaria transmission in South Africa since 1945, reducing the incidence of malaria in many places. Other than that, this paper, freely accessible via the … [Read more...]
Malaria and Employees
QUESTION I have a domestic employee that has malaria. I also have a 1 year old baby at home. Is it safe to keep her in employ or should I grant her leave until she is fully recovered? ANSWER Malaria cannot be transmitted between people directly. It is transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito. As such, the only way your baby could get malaria from your employee is if a mosquito bit … [Read more...]
Organizations Against Malaria
QUESTION What is a good organization that helps stop malaria? ANSWER There are many organizations that work very hard to control malaria. The most well known are those that design policies and implement projects to control malaria on the ground, in places where the disease is most deadly. These include multilateral international organizations such as UNICEF and the World Health … [Read more...]
World Malaria Day Date
QUESTION What is the background of 25 April to be celebrated as World Malaria Day? Why just 25 April? ANSWER World Malaria Day was instituted by the World Health Assembly at its 60th meeting in May 2007. As far as I know, the choice of April 25th was arbitrary - it was almost a full year after the instituting assembly meeting, perhaps intending to give the organizers plenty of time to … [Read more...]
Malaria in Kitwe Zambia
QUESTION Is it dangerous for my children two years old in Kitwe? ANSWER Kitwe has been part of the Roll Back Malaria campaign to control malaria in Zambia—the program has been very successful, reducing deaths by malaria by over 65% nationwide. However, there still is a risk of contracting malaria in most parts of the country, and so preventative measures should be taken when … [Read more...]
Malaria in the United States, Years Later
QUESTION For years, I have questioned what sickness I got years ago after a series of bug bites in a bayou in New Orleans. I've just read the symptoms described here and they fit everything I was suffering with. I even had problems with my liver, but I was never tested for Malaria because I had immediately left New Orleans for Italy. I never thought of mentioning it. This mysterious illness … [Read more...]
Malaria Beliefs
QUESTION How do beliefs and attitude affect the spread, treatment and prevention of malaria? ANSWER Accurate information and knowledge about how malaria is transmitted, diagnosed and treated is crucial to controlling the disease, for the general public living in malarial areas, travelers to these areas and health professionals. For example, many travelers are unaware that their … [Read more...]
Prevention of Malaria
QUESTION What is the prevention of malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective. Mosquito Avoidance Measures Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk and … [Read more...]