Organizations Against Malaria
QUESTION What is a good organization that helps stop malaria? ANSWER There are many organizations that work very hard to control malaria. The most well known are those that design policies and implement projects to control malaria on the ground, in places where the disease is most deadly. These include multilateral international organizations such as UNICEF and the World Health … [Read more...]
The “E” word and the “V” word: Two Holy Grails of Malaria Control
The Roll Back Malaria Partnership talks confidently of elimination—many others question if this is possible without new interventions. The recent publication of the first Phase 3 clinical trial for a malaria vaccine shows promise, but is it actually good enough? REVIEW OF: Roll Back Malaria Partnership, “Eliminating Malaria: Learning from the Past, Looking Ahead”, Progress & … [Read more...]
Reports of community mobilisation on prevention and treatment of malaria
QUESTION: Do you have any reports on community mobilisation on malaria prevention? ANSWER: There are a lot of organisations that utilise community involvement and mobilisation in their strategies to prevent and control malaria. One example of such an organisation is UNICEF; they work closely with governments to develop initiatives that allow for scaling up of community and health facility … [Read more...]
Malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa
QUESTION: I live in the USA and I would like to start a business to fight mosquitoes and malaria: Can you advise me how and where to start? ANSWER: I take it from the subject heading of the question that you would like to focus on sub-Saharan Africa—a crucial thing to note at this stage is that malaria is serious disease that affects millions of people throughout Africa (as well as … [Read more...]
Treating Malaria by Health Extension Workers: A Case Study from Ethiopia
For many years the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have been promoting an Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) training package to ensure that nurses and doctors are capable of treating sick children at health facilities. Over the years, with the realization that many children did not have access to health facilities and therefore … [Read more...]
Malaria – Free Bednets?
QUESTION: Why do people have to pay for the bed nets? I think that is mean to the people and they should get them for free. ANSWER: You have hit on a very important and on-going debate in the malaria control community. In many places around the world, organisations such as UNICEF have distributed free, insecticide-treated bednets, and especially to mothers—pregnant women and children … [Read more...]