QUESTION What precautions can be taken to prevent malaria? ANSWER This is a common question. Communities can try to control or eliminate mosquitoes (who when infected with the malaria parasite can bite humans and transmit the disease) by spraying with insecticide, using biological agents, or draining mosquito breeding areas. These methods are called vector control. On a personal level, … [Read more...]
What measures can local people take to limit malaria infection?
QUESTION What measures can local people take to limit malaria infection? ANSWER People living in malarial areas can do a lot to protect themselves from getting malaria. There are community programs for vector control (to control or eliminate mosquitoes) that include draining swamps to remove mosquito breeding habitat, spraying with insecticide, and using biological control … [Read more...]
Reduction in Child Mortality in Niger
Niger has achieved great reductions in child mortality and gains in coverage for interventions in child survival than neighbouring countries in west Africa. About 59,000 lives were saved in children younger than 5 years in 2009, attributable to the introduction of insecticide-treated bednets (25%); improvements in nutritional status (19%); vitamin A supplementation (9%); treatment of … [Read more...]
P. knowlesi versus P. falciparum: Treatment and Prevention
QUESTION I would like to know about the P. knowlesi - treatment compared to P. falciparum? preventive medicine? ANSWER At this point in time, P. knowlesi is completely susceptible to chloroquine, and so can be treated successfully using this drug. P. falciparum, on the other hand, is known to have widespread resistance to chloroquine, and so the World Health Organization recommends that … [Read more...]
Malaria Medication During Breast Feeding
QUESTION I am a breast-feeding mother, and I am on the lumartem dosage. Will this affect my baby? He is 9 months old. ANSWER The US Center for Disease Control says that it is safe for a breastfeeding mother to take lumfartem if the baby is over 5 kilos (or 11 pounds). Since your baby is 9 months old, he should weigh more than 5 kg so you should be fine. If you have any questions you … [Read more...]
Malaria Prophylaxis for Indonesia
QUESTION I have been working a 4-week rotation between the USA and East Kalimantan (Borneo) for about 2 years. While on Borneo, I am in the jungle much of the time. I have never contracted malaria. I am embarrassed to say I thought I had been inoculated for malaria when I first started working here. I just spent 10 days in a hospital last month fighting a blood degenerating viral infection not … [Read more...]
How is Malaria Prevented?
QUESTION What are the methods to prevent malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective. Mosquito Avoidance Measures Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk … [Read more...]
Community Based Management for Malaria
QUESTION what are the methods for community based management for malaria? ANSWER Community-based management of malaria revolves around three main principles: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Prevention mainly revolves around stopping mosquitoes from biting people. Methods for this include distribution of long-lasting insecticide treated bednets (and teaching people to use them … [Read more...]
Malaria Treatment and Prevention Methods
QUESTION I work in Central Africa republic.I was recently diagnosed with malaria (p.falciparum) after a blood test—my 4th attack in 15 months and given Co-Arinate. Two days after completing my dose I went for a 2nd blood test and the trophozoite count was 720/mm3. The doctor prescribed co-artem and said if I don't get better he shall transfuse quinine. Whats your comment on the … [Read more...]
Relapsing Malaria
QUESTION I'm constantly on malaria drugs, fall ill every 2 weeks and always diagnosed with malaria.I'm getting really fed up and need a permanent solution to all of this. I want to live a healthy life and I'm tired of being on malaria drugs. How do I overcome malaria permanently? ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting … [Read more...]