QUESTION What are some traditional treatments for malaria? ANSWER Many different cultures have had their own traditional ways of treating malaria. Perhaps the two best known come from the native tribes in the Western Amazon basin and the ancient Chinese. Tribes in the Amazon used the bark of a shrub called Cinchona to treat fevers and shivering; Spanish priests in this region observed … [Read more...]
WHO Launches Program to Counter Drug-Resistant Malaria
On World Malaria Day, the World Health Organization has launched an emergency program in Phnom Penh to tackle a worrying regional trend - a strain of malaria that is proving resistant to the most important anti-malarial drug. Six years ago, health researchers were worried after a strain of malaria in western Cambodia began to show resistance to the world’s key malaria treatment - … [Read more...]
The Future of Subsidized Malaria Drugs (ACTs)
In November 2012, the Board of the Global Fund meets to determine the future of the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria. Should it be cut, to make better use of limited funds? Or does it still have a role to play in the fight against malaria? In late 2009, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereafter, the Global Fund) launched an initiative called the Affordable … [Read more...]
Malaria Diagnosis
QUESTION My body is getting hotter after taking artesunate and mtivitamen tablet, the pain subsides, but later in the evening my body starts getting hotter, I have taken almost four artesunate, yet the body pain and headache refuse to go, pls sir is it malaria or what. ANSWER Unfortunately the symptoms of malaria are quite general, and just having a fever could be a sign of malaria but … [Read more...]
Malaria Fever and Recovery
QUESTION My 21 year old daughter spent 4 months on a study abroad program in Dakar. A week before returning home she started having night fevers and would complain of retrosternal pain and rib and neck and shoulder pain. The next day she would be fine. The episodes came every other day and eventually it occurred to her that it might be malaria. It was evening so she went to a pharmacy for a … [Read more...]
Malaria Treatment with Fansidar
QUESTION My husband has Malaria following a trip to Kenya and has had a fever for three days. We are in Russia and the only drug available at the pharmacy was Fansidar (we also have some Doxcycyclin). He took three Fansidar tablets last night and feels better but the fever has still not completely gone. What should we do? Take more Fansidar? Thanks for your help. ANSWER A single dose of … [Read more...]
Duration of Malaria Fever for Child
QUESTION Can fever duration in malaria is 5-6 Hours for back? And if I m giving 5 ML of Lariago to my 5 Yr Child how many days it will take to reduce the fever or increase the gap of fever coming back in 5-6 hours. ANSWER Please give more information regarding the first part of your question - I am not sure what you are asking regarding malaria fever duration? Regarding Lariago, its … [Read more...]
Relapsing Malaria
QUESTION I'm constantly on malaria drugs, fall ill every 2 weeks and always diagnosed with malaria.I'm getting really fed up and need a permanent solution to all of this. I want to live a healthy life and I'm tired of being on malaria drugs. How do I overcome malaria permanently? ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting … [Read more...]
Can’t Get Rid of Malaria
QUESTION Each and every month I am suffering from malaria ..Treatment is also going on but I am unable to get rid of it. ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting diagnosed? You should be getting a blood test, and not relying on symptoms only; the symptoms of malaria are very general and it could be that you are suffering from … [Read more...]
New Treatment for Malaria
QUESTION New treatment for malaria? ANSWER The most recently developed type of treatment for malaria actually has very ancient origins. The herb wormwood (Artemisia annua) has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for hundreds, even thousands, of years to cure certain fevers. In the 1970s, a Chinese research program intensively sought new medications against malaria, as part of their … [Read more...]