QUESTION My name is Olumide and I live in Nigeria. I have had malaria too frequently and it's giving me a lot of concern. I had one last August 2012 and am having another one this October as I am speaking with you. If I should count it, I'll be having nothing less than 6 occurrences in a year. It's always an headache induced malaria whereby after using the ACT combination recommended by WHO, … [Read more...]
QUESTION I 25 yr old male from Lagos, Nigeria. I have been having frequent malaria since 2006 till present. My symptoms are always weakness of the body, feeling cold sometimes not always and also my mouth got better most cases. I have been to the hospital several times and the doctor told me my frequent malaria is because my blood genotype is AA and also am having a malaria parasites. I was … [Read more...]
Bringing Malaria to the United States
QUESTION I was recently diagnosed with Malaria still waiting to find out what strand, but either got it in Uganda or Rwanda. I have recently came back to the states and have been bit by mosquito. I have already started to take some medication for it, but I am concerned about spreading the virus to others in the states including my family. Is it possible that if I still have the infection to … [Read more...]
Do I need malaria tablets to live in Nigeria?
QUESTION Do I need malaria tablets to live in Nigeria? I was born and bred in the UK and want to go back to live in Nigeria for about 2 years, do I need malaria tablets? ANSWER It is not usually recommended to take malaria tablets for long periods of time (i.e. more than a few months). People living for extended periods in areas with malaria should focus on other methods of prevention, … [Read more...]
Malaria and Employees
QUESTION I have a domestic employee that has malaria. I also have a 1 year old baby at home. Is it safe to keep her in employ or should I grant her leave until she is fully recovered? ANSWER Malaria cannot be transmitted between people directly. It is transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito. As such, the only way your baby could get malaria from your employee is if a mosquito bit … [Read more...]
Repeated Malaria Cases, New Guinea
QUESTION Hello, I live in Papua New Guinea. Myself, my wife and my 2 kids (both under 4 years old), get diagnosed with malaria approximately 3-4 times a year, usually vivax or falciparum. Our GP uses a prick of blood and examines under a microscope. Is it that easy/obvious to diagnose under this method and is it common to get this many attacks in a year? I also fear the affects of taking … [Read more...]
Malaria in Kitwe Zambia
QUESTION Is it dangerous for my children two years old in Kitwe? ANSWER Kitwe has been part of the Roll Back Malaria campaign to control malaria in Zambia—the program has been very successful, reducing deaths by malaria by over 65% nationwide. However, there still is a risk of contracting malaria in most parts of the country, and so preventative measures should be taken when … [Read more...]
Malaria Prevention
QUESTION What are the ways in which you can prevent yourself from being infected with malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures (since malaria is transmitted by infected mosquitoes) and chemoprophylaxis (medication to prevent the establishment of malaria in your body, if you do get bitten). Although very efficacious, none of the … [Read more...]
Malaria Recurrence and Treatment
QUESTION Since September 2011 I had malaria falciparum. The first medication I took was Coartem, after 2 weeks I had the same symptoms then the test was +1.5 ,i took Coartem again. 2 weeks after the doctor gave me Malarone ,then 19 days it come back . the doc. gave me Quinine -tablets without doxycycline. but no thing change. Until now each 14-25 days the malaria comes back, I ask my doctor … [Read more...]
Malaria in Borneo, Indonesia
QUESTION We fly to Borneo tomorrow and have been very stupid not thinking about Malaria medication. Can someone quickly tell if I should take medication when there and also what type would be best to take? Thank you for your help. ANSWER Yes! Malaria prophylaxis is recommended for trips to Indonesian Borneo, particularly rural areas. Recommended forms of prophylaxis are Malarone … [Read more...]