Question: Hello, I'm wondering if I should be worried about whether my malaria will come back or not. I came down with Falciparum in the US and was treated with malarone pills (four pills a day for three days); was ill enough to be hospitalized, but did not have severe malaria. About a week and a half after finishing the treatment (and two days after returning to a malaria-endemic country) I … [Read more...]
Malaria Fatalities and Expired Medication
Question: Could you please expand on the danger of not being treated promptly? Is that meant with or without symptoms even ? Could I die of malaria without having any sign of being unwell for at least 24 h plus first? Secondly, what risk of poisoning or harm would an approx 1 y expired malaria drug Lonart-DS ( artemwther 80 mg and lumefrantine 480 mg ) possibly have if taken with the intention … [Read more...]
After malaria treatment…..
Question: I had malaria last week.Doctor gave me Rezartrin Forte for four days(9 tablets). Now I am feeling very weak and lost five kgs. What should I do ? Answer: Malaria is a serious disease and one of the potential residual effects of malaria infection is iron deficiency, which can lead to anaemia, and this can cause weakness. Eating iron-rich foods or asking your doctor about iron … [Read more...]
Symptoms of Malaria but Tests Negative
QUESTION My sister has been suffering from fever from past 22 days temperature varying from 102-106 with chills shivering, headache, body pain,nausea and muscle ache but tested negative for malaria. She also tested negative for dengue, swine flu, hiv, and many others. So out of frustration we gave her mefloc 250 and she seems to be responding. She is still having fever that is after 12 hrs of … [Read more...]
QUESTION I 25 yr old male from Lagos, Nigeria. I have been having frequent malaria since 2006 till present. My symptoms are always weakness of the body, feeling cold sometimes not always and also my mouth got better most cases. I have been to the hospital several times and the doctor told me my frequent malaria is because my blood genotype is AA and also am having a malaria parasites. I was … [Read more...]
Malaria Treatment Statistics
QUESTION Where can I find information on the ratio of malaria cases treated annually globally or per country? ANSWER A great resource for information on malaria is the World Health Organisation (WHO). They publish an annual malaria report which also includes lots of statistics about numbers of cases, numbers treated, and numbers of deaths from malaria. Some of the data is even available … [Read more...]
Medicine for Malaria
QUESTION is rotam and maladar malaria medicine? ANSWER I have never heard of Rotam, but Maladar is the brand name of a combination sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, and is used to treat malaria. However, it should be noted that it is not recommended by the World Health Organization as a first-line treatment option, due to concerns about drug resistance, and also lack of efficacy against certain … [Read more...]
Can malaria return?
QUESTION I got fever and weakness. I went to the doctor and my malaria report is the ring stage of p.vivax. I take artemether and lumafetrime drug but after ten days the fever returns. What is this? Is this malaria or not? Plz help. When my c.b.c was done before taking malaria drugs my hemoglobin is 8.8 and leucocyte 6800 and sgpt is 52 but after treatment my sgpt is 45 and hemoglobin is … [Read more...]
Home Remedies for Malaria
QUESTION Are there any home remedies for symptoms of malaria? ANSWER Quinine is a natural chemical which has anti-malarial properties, and tonic water is a good example of an everyday foodstuff which contains quinine. For this reason, over the last hundred-odd years, expatriates living in malarial countries have enjoyed drinking gin and tonic! There are also reports that grapefruit … [Read more...]
P. knowlesi versus P. falciparum: Treatment and Prevention
QUESTION I would like to know about the P. knowlesi - treatment compared to P. falciparum? preventive medicine? ANSWER At this point in time, P. knowlesi is completely susceptible to chloroquine, and so can be treated successfully using this drug. P. falciparum, on the other hand, is known to have widespread resistance to chloroquine, and so the World Health Organization recommends that … [Read more...]