QUESTION I was recently diagnosed with Malaria still waiting to find out what strand, but either got it in Uganda or Rwanda. I have recently came back to the states and have been bit by mosquito. I have already started to take some medication for it, but I am concerned about spreading the virus to others in the states including my family. Is it possible that if I still have the infection to … [Read more...]
How is Malaria Prevented?
QUESTION What are the methods to prevent malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective. Mosquito Avoidance Measures Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk … [Read more...]
Malaria in Myanmar (Burma)
QUESTION Is Malaria an issue in Myanmar where I am going in June? ANSWER from Editor YES. Malaria is a risk in all rural areas of the country below 1,000 meters of altitude (anything below 3300 feet). Rangoon/Yangon and Mandalay do not have malaria. You should take medication to prevent malaria (prophylaxis) throughout your stay, and also protect yourself from getting … [Read more...]
Malaria and Employees
QUESTION I have a domestic employee that has malaria. I also have a 1 year old baby at home. Is it safe to keep her in employ or should I grant her leave until she is fully recovered? ANSWER Malaria cannot be transmitted between people directly. It is transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito. As such, the only way your baby could get malaria from your employee is if a mosquito bit … [Read more...]
Repeated Malaria Cases, New Guinea
QUESTION Hello, I live in Papua New Guinea. Myself, my wife and my 2 kids (both under 4 years old), get diagnosed with malaria approximately 3-4 times a year, usually vivax or falciparum. Our GP uses a prick of blood and examines under a microscope. Is it that easy/obvious to diagnose under this method and is it common to get this many attacks in a year? I also fear the affects of taking … [Read more...]
How to Prevent Malaria
QUESTION How to prevent malaria? ANSWER There are a number of ways to prevent malaria. These can be placed into two categories: medication and vector protection. For medication, there are drugs you can take to prevent the malaria parasite from developing after someone is bitten by an infected mosquito. These drugs are known as “chemoprophylaxis." There are several different kinds, … [Read more...]
Prevention of Malaria
QUESTION What is the prevention of malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective. Mosquito Avoidance Measures Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk and … [Read more...]
Malaria Prophylaxis in Pakistan
QUESTION Do I need antimalarials if i am returning to my home country in pakistan after two years? ANSWER That depends on where you will be going in Pakistan and how long you are planning on staying. Malaria is a risk at all areas under 2,500m of altitude. However, antimalarials are not recommended to be taken on a long-term basis, so if you are relocating home permanently and will be in … [Read more...]
Malaria in Australia and Bali
QUESTION Is Australia, Bali or Tasmania in the malaria affected area? ANSWER While malaria used to be endemic in parts of Australia (not Tasmania—it is too cold), the country was declared to be free of malaria transmission in 1981. However, several hundred cases are reported in Australia every year, mainly brought back by travellers returning from other regions, such as south-east … [Read more...]
Prevention of Malaria
QUESTION How do I prevent malaria? ANSWER There are a number of ways to prevent malaria. These can be placed into two categories: medication and vector protection. For medication, there are drugs you can take to prevent the malaria parasite from developing after someone is bitten by an infected mosquito. These drugs are known as "chemoprophylaxis". There are several different kinds, … [Read more...]