QUESTION Since September 2011 I had malaria falciparum. The first medication I took was Coartem, after 2 weeks I had the same symptoms then the test was +1.5 ,i took Coartem again. 2 weeks after the doctor gave me Malarone ,then 19 days it come back . the doc. gave me Quinine -tablets without doxycycline. but no thing change. Until now each 14-25 days the malaria comes back, I ask my doctor … [Read more...]
Is there malaria in North America?
QUESTION: Are there malaria-infected mosquitoes in North America? ANSWER: North America is usually defined as including Canada, the United States and Mexico. Of these, Mexico has known regions of regular malaria transmission; specifically the regions bordering Guatemala and Belize in the south (Chiapas, Quintana Roo and Tabasco), rural areas in the tropical lowlands slightly further north … [Read more...]