QUESTION I was recently diagnosed with Malaria still waiting to find out what strand, but either got it in Uganda or Rwanda. I have recently came back to the states and have been bit by mosquito. I have already started to take some medication for it, but I am concerned about spreading the virus to others in the states including my family. Is it possible that if I still have the infection to … [Read more...]
Mosquitoes Transmission via Feces
QUESTION Can a mosquito give you malaria after having being on an infected person's feces? ANSWER No. Malaria can only be transmitted via blood. As such, transmission via mosquitoes occurs when a mosquito feeds on the blood of an infected person, then bites someone who is not infected, and transfers the malaria parasite in the bite (this cannot happen straight away - the malaria parasite … [Read more...]
Structure and Size of Malaria Mosquito
QUESTION What is the structure and size of the mosquito? ANSWER The mosquitoes that transmit human malaria belong to the genus Anopheles. As such, they follow the general body plan structure of a flying insect—three segments (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Anopheles females have modified mouthparts that allow them to feed on blood, by … [Read more...]
Anopheles Mosquito
QUESTION What does Anopheles looks like? ANSWER Mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles are responsible for all transmission of malaria in mammals, including to humans. They are night-feeding mosquitoes, usually biting between dusk and dawn, though they may also be active during the day in heavily shaded environments. Like all mosquitoes, Anopheles are usually found either as freshwater … [Read more...]