Question: I just arrived home to Canada from India on Saturday evening . During my 3 week stay, I was in Delhi, Agra, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Solan and Shimla. While in Delhi my first week there I must have had about 500 or more mosquito bites on my arms, legs, face, even my back sides etc even though I was using mosquito cream (Odomos I think itw as called) and had a repellent plugged in all the … [Read more...]
What is the cause of malaria?
QUESTION What is the cause of malaria? ANSWER Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of female anopheles mosquitoes. Please read more information on our website: Malaria Symptoms and Causes. … [Read more...]
Is Malaria Transmitted by Female Mosquitoes?
QUESTION Is malaria caused by only female mosquitoes? ANSWER Malaria is only transmitted by female mosquitoes, yes. This is because only female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles (the genus that transmits malaria in mammals, including humans) feed on blood, and the parasite that causes malaria (called Plasmodium) spends part of its life cycle in the blood. Therefore, when a female mosquito … [Read more...]
Mosquitoes Transmission via Feces
QUESTION Can a mosquito give you malaria after having being on an infected person's feces? ANSWER No. Malaria can only be transmitted via blood. As such, transmission via mosquitoes occurs when a mosquito feeds on the blood of an infected person, then bites someone who is not infected, and transfers the malaria parasite in the bite (this cannot happen straight away - the malaria parasite … [Read more...]
Ingestion of Malaria Blood
QUESTION If someone were to eat/ingest the blood of an infected individual would they become infected with malaria? If an infected person's blood was on their hands and they handled food, would eating the food put others at risk for malaria? ANSWER No, you would not get infected with malaria, as the malaria parasites must be transmitted into a person's blood directly in order for them to … [Read more...]
Malaria: Mode of Transmission
QUESTION What is the mode of transmission of Malaria? ANSWER Malaria is transmitted normally via the bite of an infected mosquito. These mosquitoes, always female and of the genus Anopheles, carry malaria parasites in their salivary glands. The parasites, at this part of their life cycle known as sporozoites, are introduced into the host's blood when the mosquito takes a blood meal. From … [Read more...]
Malaria Treatment and Prevention Methods
QUESTION I work in Central Africa republic.I was recently diagnosed with malaria (p.falciparum) after a blood test—my 4th attack in 15 months and given Co-Arinate. Two days after completing my dose I went for a 2nd blood test and the trophozoite count was 720/mm3. The doctor prescribed co-artem and said if I don't get better he shall transfuse quinine. Whats your comment on the … [Read more...]
Malaria Hosts
QUESTION Which are malaria hosts and how does malaria have an effect on one of them? ANSWER The parasite which causes malaria (called Plasmodium) requires two different hosts—a vertebrate intermediate host, such as a human, and an insect definitive host, also known as the vector. For the types of malaria which infect humans and other mammals, the vector is always a mosquito of the … [Read more...]
Causes of Malaria
QUESTION What are the causes of malaria? ANSWER Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. In the human body, the parasites multiply in the liver, and then infect red blood cells. Usually, people get malaria by being bitten by an infective female Anopheles mosquito. Only Anopheles mosquitoes can transmit malaria and … [Read more...]
Do I need malaria tablets to live in Nigeria?
QUESTION Do I need malaria tablets to live in Nigeria? I was born and bred in the UK and want to go back to live in Nigeria for about 2 years, do I need malaria tablets? ANSWER It is not usually recommended to take malaria tablets for long periods of time (i.e. more than a few months). People living for extended periods in areas with malaria should focus on other methods of prevention, … [Read more...]