QUESTION Two months ago my daughter was in Uganda working and when came back to the States she was hospitalized for 4 days with Malaria symptoms. Her tests came back negative they really didn't act like they knew how to treat this. They kept telling her they didn't know how to diagnosis Malaria. So they treated her for it. She now after 2 months is once again hospitalized with the same … [Read more...]
How is Malaria Prevented?
QUESTION What are the methods to prevent malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective. Mosquito Avoidance Measures Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk … [Read more...]
Malaria or Not?
QUESTION I went to Luanda, Angola and Port Hartcourt, Nigeria, Onne, Nigeria and Warri, Nigeria a few times. I suffer with voice problems, muscle control on my right side and some joint pains that have not been explained by my doctors. I have been to doctors in Houston, Tx., New Orleans, La., New Iberia, La. and Franklin, La. and they all say the same thing. They don't know what's wrong … [Read more...]
Treatment and Management of Malaria Parasite
QUESTION What are the treatments and management of malaria? ANSWER Treatment is actually part of the strategy for managing malaria, so I will come back to that later. The other main ways in which malaria is controlled is through prevention, diagnosis (followed by treatment if necessary) and education. 1) Prevention: There are a number of ways to prevent malaria. These can be placed … [Read more...]
Malaria Prevention
QUESTION What is malaria and the preventive measures? ANSWER Malaria is a disease caused by single-celled parasites of the genus Plasmodium. There are currently five species which cause disease in humans, and while each is slightly different, they all act in basically the same way, and cause similar symptoms. Of the five, the most dangerous is Plasmodium falciparum, which can lead to … [Read more...]
Malaria Prophylaxis in Ghana, Africa
QUESTION My husband will be traveling to Ghana soon. We have Mefloquine and Primaquine. Which one do you think is best for prophylaxis in Ghana? He also has Fansidar, but we understand it's best not to use this for prophylaxis. Thank you for your help! ANSWER There are positives and negatives associated with both of these medications. Mefloquine is recommended for travelers in Ghana … [Read more...]
Malaria Prevention
QUESTION What are the ways in which you can prevent yourself from being infected with malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures (since malaria is transmitted by infected mosquitoes) and chemoprophylaxis (medication to prevent the establishment of malaria in your body, if you do get bitten). Although very efficacious, none of the … [Read more...]
Malaria in Thailand: Phrae and Nan
QUESTION We are traveling in Phrae and Nan (in Thailand) in the period of December-Januar. Is there any risk for malaria. We are travelling with kids (9 months, 6 and 8 year) and want to avoid risky areas. Can we travel safely in that region? Thank you for your reply. ANSWER Thanks for your question. Phrae and Nan are two districts in northern Thailand—the latter shares a border … [Read more...]
Medicines to Prevent Malaria?
QUESTION Which medicines are used to prevent malaria? ANSWER There are a number of drugs used to prevent malaria infection, known as malaria prophylactic medication. These vary in terms of how they are taken, how long they are taken for, how much they cost and the typical side effects people experience while they are taking them. In addition, some are recommended more highly for certain … [Read more...]