QUESTION Is Malaria an issue in Myanmar where I am going in June? ANSWER from Editor YES. Malaria is a risk in all rural areas of the country below 1,000 meters of altitude (anything below 3300 feet). Rangoon/Yangon and Mandalay do not have malaria. You should take medication to prevent malaria (prophylaxis) throughout your stay, and also protect yourself from getting … [Read more...]
Am I more susceptible to malaria?
QUESTION I contracted common malaria, vivax?, when i was 20 yrs old from long visit to Papua NewGuinea, 1970. Returned to USA and was treated with chloro, primaquine drugs and really no problems since treatment. Now going to Thailand for week, Chiang Mai and region. If bitten by local malarial mosq. am i more likely to recur? And should I certainly choose prophylaxis? thnx ANSWER If … [Read more...]
Malarone and Mefloquine for Malaria
QUESTION Which drug is better for kids for anti-malaria - Malarone or Mefloquine. I have heard about lot of side-effects of Mefloquine. So, which is a safer drug out of these two or is there any other drug with no side-effects? Is it important to take anti-malaria pills keeping in mind the side-effects? ANSWER Both drugs are considered safe for children, though Malarone … [Read more...]
Malaria in Thailand: Phrae and Nan
QUESTION We are traveling in Phrae and Nan (in Thailand) in the period of December-Januar. Is there any risk for malaria. We are travelling with kids (9 months, 6 and 8 year) and want to avoid risky areas. Can we travel safely in that region? Thank you for your reply. ANSWER Thanks for your question. Phrae and Nan are two districts in northern Thailand—the latter shares a border … [Read more...]