QUESTION What does Anopheles looks like? ANSWER Mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles are responsible for all transmission of malaria in mammals, including to humans. They are night-feeding mosquitoes, usually biting between dusk and dawn, though they may also be active during the day in heavily shaded environments. Like all mosquitoes, Anopheles are usually found either as freshwater … [Read more...]
What are mosquito larvae?
QUESTION What are mosquito larvae? ANSWER Larvae are one of the life stages of mosquitoes; they are baby mosquitoes, if you will. Adult mosquitoes lay eggs as a "raft" on the surface of a body of fresh water—they prefer still and stagnant pools. These eggs then hatch into the mosquito larvae, which live in the freshwater pool until they form a pupa, just under the surface. These … [Read more...]