QUESTION What should I take in this condition? After treatment I came to know that Rechocin should be taken for 6 months 2 weekly. ANSWER I am not sure I understand your question, but if you have been diagnosed with trophozoites of Plasmodium vivax in your blood, then you can be treated with normal anti-malarials (the World Health Organization recommends artemisinin-based combination … [Read more...]
How is Malaria Prevented?
QUESTION What are the methods to prevent malaria? ANSWER Malaria prevention consists of a combination of mosquito avoidance measures and chemoprophylaxis. Although very efficacious, none of the recommended interventions are 100% effective. Mosquito Avoidance Measures Because of the nocturnal feeding habits of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria transmission occurs primarily between dusk … [Read more...]
Malaria Fever and Recovery
QUESTION My 21 year old daughter spent 4 months on a study abroad program in Dakar. A week before returning home she started having night fevers and would complain of retrosternal pain and rib and neck and shoulder pain. The next day she would be fine. The episodes came every other day and eventually it occurred to her that it might be malaria. It was evening so she went to a pharmacy for a … [Read more...]
Chewable Malaria Medication
QUESTION Can this drug be chewed by an older person who can not swallow drugs? ANSWER Some malaria medication can be administered via injection. In places where malaria is still resistant to chloroquine, a syrup formulation is sometimes given to children who are unable to swallow tablets, so this might be an effective solution. Otherwise, you can talk to your doctor about the efficacy of … [Read more...]
How is Malaria Treated
QUESTION how is malaria treated? ANSWER Malaria can be a severe, potentially fatal disease (especially when caused by Plasmodium falciparum) and treatment should be initiated as soon as possible. Patients who have severe P. falciparum malaria or who cannot take oral medications should be given the treatment by continuous intravenous infusion. Most drugs used in treatment are active … [Read more...]
Malaria in Myanmar (Burma)
QUESTION Is Malaria an issue in Myanmar where I am going in June? ANSWER from Editor YES. Malaria is a risk in all rural areas of the country below 1,000 meters of altitude (anything below 3300 feet). Rangoon/Yangon and Mandalay do not have malaria. You should take medication to prevent malaria (prophylaxis) throughout your stay, and also protect yourself from getting … [Read more...]
Duration of Malaria Fever for Child
QUESTION Can fever duration in malaria is 5-6 Hours for back? And if I m giving 5 ML of Lariago to my 5 Yr Child how many days it will take to reduce the fever or increase the gap of fever coming back in 5-6 hours. ANSWER Please give more information regarding the first part of your question - I am not sure what you are asking regarding malaria fever duration? Regarding Lariago, its … [Read more...]
Relapsing Malaria
QUESTION I'm constantly on malaria drugs, fall ill every 2 weeks and always diagnosed with malaria.I'm getting really fed up and need a permanent solution to all of this. I want to live a healthy life and I'm tired of being on malaria drugs. How do I overcome malaria permanently? ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting … [Read more...]
Can’t Get Rid of Malaria
QUESTION Each and every month I am suffering from malaria ..Treatment is also going on but I am unable to get rid of it. ANSWER It is very unusual to be reinfected so constantly with malaria. First of all, how are you getting diagnosed? You should be getting a blood test, and not relying on symptoms only; the symptoms of malaria are very general and it could be that you are suffering from … [Read more...]
Am I more susceptible to malaria?
QUESTION I contracted common malaria, vivax?, when i was 20 yrs old from long visit to Papua NewGuinea, 1970. Returned to USA and was treated with chloro, primaquine drugs and really no problems since treatment. Now going to Thailand for week, Chiang Mai and region. If bitten by local malarial mosq. am i more likely to recur? And should I certainly choose prophylaxis? thnx ANSWER If … [Read more...]