Can fever duration in malaria is 5-6 Hours for back?
And if I m giving 5 ML of Lariago to my 5 Yr Child how many days it will take to reduce the fever or increase the gap of fever coming back in 5-6 hours.
Please give more information regarding the first part of your question – I am not sure what you are asking regarding malaria fever duration? Regarding Lariago, its active ingredient is chloroquine phosphate, which is NOT effective against malaria in many places, due to widespread resistance. This is particularly true of Plasmodium falciparum, the most deadly kind of malaria. A blood smear can determine the species identification of malaria. As such it is important to know whether malaria in your area is known to have resistance to chloroquine prior to using chloroquine derivatives such as Lariago. Regardless, the World Health Organization now recommends artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) as first line treatment for all non-complicated malaria. If a patient is suffering from complicated/severe malaria, or is unable to ingest malaria medication, they will require hospitalization, and likely be treated with intravenous quinine or artemisinin-derivative suppository, depending on their age and condition.
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