QUESTION What should I take in this condition? After treatment I came to know that Rechocin should be taken for 6 months 2 weekly. ANSWER I am not sure I understand your question, but if you have been diagnosed with trophozoites of Plasmodium vivax in your blood, then you can be treated with normal anti-malarials (the World Health Organization recommends artemisinin-based combination … [Read more...]
Number of Species of Malaria
QUESTION I recently read an ISOS world malaria day poster saying 5 species of plasmodium cause malaria. I think that is confusing as we always talked about 4, ovale, vivax, falciparum and malaria....are they referring to the way we now split ovale into 2 sub species? or is this a typo on their part? ANSWER That is a really interesting question, and a good observation on your part! I … [Read more...]
Transmission of Malaria
QUESTION Why can the malaria parasite be transmitted from mosquito to human, but not from human to human (via blood)? ANSWER This is a very good question, and actually, malaria can be transmitted via human blood directly to another person, but this occurs relatively rarely! It has to do with the life cycle of the malaria parasite. When a mosquito bites a human host, it injects … [Read more...]