For many years the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have been promoting an Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) training package to ensure that nurses and doctors are capable of treating sick children at health facilities. Over the years, with the realization that many children did not have access to health facilities and therefore … [Read more...]
EDITORIAL – Reflections on World Malaria Day 2011
How far have we come in the last four years? Four years ago, it was estimated that a child died every 30 seconds from malaria, and that more than a million people each year were killed by this devastating and debilitating disease. Four years ago, the malaria advocacy partnership Roll Back Malaria organized the first World Malaria Day, and published the Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP), which … [Read more...]
From the Editor
Welcome to the re-launch of, a member driven website encompassing the global malaria community. is designed to be dynamic and user-driven. It is a place where, to name a few examples, researchers will have the opportunity to connect and collaborate on projects, field practitioners can blog about their adventures on the front lines of malaria control, and where the … [Read more...]
Of Macaques and Men
Plasmodium knowlesi —a new challenge in the Roll Back Malaria Program? Mention of malaria often conjures images of infants hospitalized in Africa. Although most deaths from malaria are children under 5 in sub-Saharan Africa, there are many different types of malaria that put over half of the world’s population at risk in subtropical and tropical regions worldwide. There have historically … [Read more...]
Lariam Legacy
In 1990, Lariam (mefloquine) became the drug of choice for malaria prevention. It was endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and prescribed for travelers, government workers, and the U.S. military who were going to regions where malaria was present. It was even given to airline crews who flew to malaria regions. Mefloquine has been responsible for psychotic breakdowns, suicides and … [Read more...]
Malaria Co-infection with Other Diseases of Global Public Health Importance
Effects of co-infection on human health, the need for further research and steps towards integrated control Introduction In large parts of the world, the Plasmodium protozoans that cause malaria co-exist alongside a number of other pathogens and parasites, many of which are also infectious to humans. One of the foremost challenges in tackling the huge burden of malaria … [Read more...]
A Case for Evidence-Based Communication Campaigns in Angola
Malaria is one of the largest health concerns in Angola, particularly for pregnant women and young children. Using a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) can greatly reduce the risk of malaria. The Ministry of Health is scaling up malaria control activities with expansion of net distribution as well as communication activities for behavior change to encourage the use of a net every … [Read more...]