Question: What is the trend of malaria in different regions of Ethiopia? Answer: Overall, malaria is highly seasonal in Ethiopia, and has the highest incidence in areas of the country with lower elevation (below 2000 meters above sea level), meaning that the central and southern plateau and mountain regions (corresponding to Addis Ababa and Oromia regions) are generally lower risk for malaria … [Read more...]
Notes from the Field: The Importance of Health Extension Workers in Diagnosing and Treating Malaria in Ethiopia
Since 2010, nearly 30,000 health extension workers (HEWs) in Ethiopia have been trained and supported to provide integrated community based case management (iCCM) of malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea and severe malnutrition. Although HEWs started treating malaria before 2010, diagnostic based treatment of malaria using multiple species RDT was scaled up as part of the iCCM programme. … [Read more...]
Malaria while in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia?
QUESTION My husband and I recently adopted our second child from Ethiopia about 3 months ago. We did NOT take Malaria medication because we only stayed in Addis Ababa and did not travel outside the city—or very far from out hotel for that matter. I've recently started very odd symptoms—aches, chills but no fever, general feeling of malaise, runs, dry cough, hot flashes followed by … [Read more...]
Use of Fish for Malaria Eradication
QUESTION Why is very little research being done on the possibility of mosquito fish being used as a means of controlling the hatching of new eggs? ANSWER Actually there is a lot of scientific literature on the use of fish as a biological control of mosquitoes, usually through consumption of the mosquito larvae or pupae while they are in freshwater. The most common species used for this … [Read more...]
Treating Malaria by Health Extension Workers: A Case Study from Ethiopia
For many years the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have been promoting an Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) training package to ensure that nurses and doctors are capable of treating sick children at health facilities. Over the years, with the realization that many children did not have access to health facilities and therefore … [Read more...]