QUESTION I have a domestic employee that has malaria. I also have a 1 year old baby at home. Is it safe to keep her in employ or should I grant her leave until she is fully recovered? ANSWER Malaria cannot be transmitted between people directly. It is transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito. As such, the only way your baby could get malaria from your employee is if a mosquito bit … [Read more...]
Repeated Malaria Cases, New Guinea
QUESTION Hello, I live in Papua New Guinea. Myself, my wife and my 2 kids (both under 4 years old), get diagnosed with malaria approximately 3-4 times a year, usually vivax or falciparum. Our GP uses a prick of blood and examines under a microscope. Is it that easy/obvious to diagnose under this method and is it common to get this many attacks in a year? I also fear the affects of taking … [Read more...]
Malaria in Kitwe Zambia
QUESTION Is it dangerous for my children two years old in Kitwe? ANSWER Kitwe has been part of the Roll Back Malaria campaign to control malaria in Zambia—the program has been very successful, reducing deaths by malaria by over 65% nationwide. However, there still is a risk of contracting malaria in most parts of the country, and so preventative measures should be taken when … [Read more...]
Persistent Antibodies to Malaria?
QUESTION I had malaria as child, more than 30 years ago. It was successfully treated with no relapse. I have since travelled to malaria- endemic countries, but the last time was over 3 years ago. No symptoms. I recently donated blood and routine screening has detected malaria antibodies. How long do the antibodies persist? ANSWER Based on your experience, I would say at least three years! … [Read more...]
US Army Doctor William Crawford Gorgas: Sent to Panama to fight Malaria
QUESTION What was the doctor's name who was sent to Panama to fight Malaria when Panama Canal was being built? ANSWER I believe the person you are referring to is Dr. William Crawford Gorgas. Dr Gorgas was the chief sanitary officer for the Panama Canal project and had gained experience in controlling vector borne diseases while working in Havana, Cuba, where yellow fever was a problem. … [Read more...]
Screening Mosquito House Entry Points as a Potential Method for Integrated Control of Malaria
Partial mosquito-proofing of houses with screens and ceilings has the potential to reduce indoor densities of malaria mosquitoes. We wish to measure whether it will also reduce indoor densities of vectors of neglected tropical diseases. Methodology: The main house entry points preferred by anopheline and culicine vectors were determined through controlled experiments using specially … [Read more...]