QUESTION What are the socio-economic issues on the spread of malaria? ANSWER Malaria transmission requires the presence of Anopheles mosquitoes; as such, conditions which favor the growth and persistence of these mosquitoes will also be hotspots for malaria transmission, provided the climate is also sufficiently warm for the development of the parasite within the mosquito. Rural areas … [Read more...]
Socio-Economic and Environmental Conditions Contributing to Malaria
QUESTION what socio-economic and environmental conditions contribute to the disease? ANSWER Malaria transmission requires the presence of Anopheles mosquitoes; as such, conditions which favor the growth and persistence of these mosquitoes will also be hotspots for malaria transmission, provided the climate is also sufficiently warm for the development of the parasite within the mosquito. … [Read more...]
Prevalence of Malaria
QUESTION how many people are affected by malaria in a year? ANSWER In the last year for which data have been analyzed (2010), there were an estimated 216 million cases of malaria throughout the world. Of these cases, there were approximately 655,000 deaths, the majority of which were children under the age of five in sub-Saharan Africa. … [Read more...]
How Many Affected by Malaria
QUESTION About how many people in the world are affected, die and survive malaria? ANSWER It has been estimated that about 3.3 billion people, or close to half the world's population, is at risk of malaria infection at least at some point during the year. However, preventative measures mean that many fewer actually contract malaria in a given year—still, there are an estimated 216 … [Read more...]
Malaria Deaths
QUESTION what percent of people die each year from Malaria? ANSWER There are an estimated 216 million cases of malaria each year around the world, and about 655,000 deaths due to malaria. This means that overall mortality from malaria is actually very low, around 0.3%, of those who get infected. However, the majority of the people who die from malaria each year are children, and in … [Read more...]
Malaria Deaths by Country
QUESTION Where are the most deaths of malaria? ANSWER Over 90% of the deaths from malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa, and in children under the age of five. According to the World Health Organisation's 2011 World Malaria Report, the countries with the five highest numbers of reported malaria deaths for 2010 are (and number of reported deaths): Kenya (26,017 deaths), Democratic Republic … [Read more...]
Malaria In Africa
QUESTION What factors cause Africans to get this disease? ANSWER The highest number of malaria cases every year occur in Africa, not because of anything specifically due to the people living there (in fact, they may be better protected against malaria than most—I will come onto this later) but because malaria transmission is very high in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa and … [Read more...]
Where is malaria found?
QUESTION Where is malaria found? ANSWER Malaria is found throughout the world’s tropical and sub-tropical areas, and mainly in Central and South America, Africa, Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. It is most common in tropical regions, where transmission occurs year-round; in sub-tropical and temperate areas, transmission may only occur during seasons that have appropriate climatic … [Read more...]
Community Control of Malaria
QUESTION how can the community can control malaria through personal protection? ANSWER That's a very good question. One of the most effective known ways for reducing infection with malaria is through the use of long-lastong insecticide treated bednets. Sleeping underneath one at night drastically reduces the chance of being bitten by the Anopheles mosquitoes that transmit … [Read more...]
How Many People Have Died from Malaria?
QUESTION How many people have died from this disease today? (2011) ANSWER Estimates for the number of annual deaths from malaria vary, and are not very accurate since they depend heavily on the quality of reporting. Since the majority of people who die from malaria are in sub-Saharan Africa, and often far from decent health facilities, it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether … [Read more...]