QUESTION My 14 day old daughter has a body temperature of about 38.3 C and breathes a bit rapidly. Can it be a sign of malaria? ANSWER In newborns, it is sometimes difficult to tell exactly what is wrong. The majority of newborns who get sick after delivery, get an infection (from bacteria, not malaria). WHO and UNICEF have identified the following "danger signs." If the baby … [Read more...]
Malaria Symptoms and Diagnosis
QUESTION My husband is currently working in Mozambique, and is sick with a fever, headache, and pain in his joints. Can this be malaria? ANSWER It could be. Your husband should go to the clinic and get tested. The standard diagnosis for malaria depends on the demonstration of parasites on a blood smear examined under a microscope. In some settings, where microscopic examination is … [Read more...]
QUESTION I 25 yr old male from Lagos, Nigeria. I have been having frequent malaria since 2006 till present. My symptoms are always weakness of the body, feeling cold sometimes not always and also my mouth got better most cases. I have been to the hospital several times and the doctor told me my frequent malaria is because my blood genotype is AA and also am having a malaria parasites. I was … [Read more...]
How Does Malaria Spread?
QUESTION How does malaria spread? ANSWER Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. Please see on Malaria Symptoms and Causes for more information. … [Read more...]
Abdominal Pain During Malaria
QUESTION why abdominal pain in malaria? ANSWER Patients with malaria often experience abdominal pain due to rapid inflammation and swelling of the liver and spleen. … [Read more...]
Effects of Malaria on Brain
QUESTION Can malaria or the fever of malaria (or the medication) cause a teen to become depressed and suicidal 18 months on. ANSWER That is unlikely. Malaria, when treated, usually resolves completely, without any lingering effects. In some cases, people with severe cerebral malaria can have lasting neurological impacts, such as altered behaviour and difficulties with learning. Some … [Read more...]
Malaria or Flu?
QUESTION For the last couple of days I am suffering from all the symptoms that are mentioned on your website and I am taking tylenol for these symptoms thinking that it is flu but I am feeling better now. Should I still see a doctor or keep taking tylenol? ANSWER If you are no longer experiencing high fever, then it is likely just flu. However if you live in a malarial area and your … [Read more...]
Malaria and Stomach Ache
QUESTION Can a person suffering from malaria suffer from stomach-aches? ANSWER Sometimes people with malaria have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but the most common symptoms include fever and flu-like illness, such as shaking chills, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness. Malaria may cause anemia and jaundice (yellow coloring of the skin and eyes) because of the loss of red blood … [Read more...]
Malaria and Menstrual Cycle
QUESTION Does malaria affect menstrual cycle? ANSWER Malaria usually does not last very long—people usually seek diagnosis and treatment within a few days (since symptoms can be severe) and then treatment and recovery follow swiftly, within another few days (100% recovery may take longer, up to a few weeks). Moreover, malaria does not usually interfere with reproductive organs or … [Read more...]
Malaria Symptoms
QUESTION What are the symptoms of Malaria? ANSWER Symptoms of malaria include fever and flu-like illness, including shaking chills, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur. Malaria may cause anemia and jaundice (yellow coloring of the skin and eyes) because of the loss of red blood cells. Symptoms usually appear between 10 and 15 days after the … [Read more...]