The Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) has announced two new Partner Institutions have joined the organization: The Mahidol Vivax Research Center and the Malaria Research Centre, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. The Mahidol Vivax Research Center (MVRC) established in March 2011 is dedicated to the study of Plasmodium vivax and non falciparum malaria. Its establishment at Mahidol … [Read more...]
Thalassaemia and Malaria
QUESTION How can Thalassaemia effect Malaria infection? ANSWER Thalassaemia is the name given to a group of inherited genetic blood disorders, which result in reduced or no synthesis of one of the globin protein chains that combine to make haemaglobin. Haemaglobin is used to carry oxygen throughout the body and to its organs. Thalassaemia can result in anaemia; in some cases, this is … [Read more...]