In India how to treat a child and adult suffering from malaria?
Chloroquine-resistant malaria has been observed in India and so the first line drug of choice should be an artemisinin-derivative in combination with another drug (this group of medications are more generally known as “artemisinin-based combination therapies” or ACTs). A common example of this is artemether in combination with lumefantrine, which is marketed as Coartem. Coartem is also used to treat malaria in children over 11 pounds (5 kg) in weight.
Malaria in India seems to be a mixed situation now.
Many parts of the country, still do not have resistant cases to choroquine or quinine.
In many parts of the country choroquine is now being used to treat Pla.vivax and Pla.falciparum uncomplecated cases. Such mixed situation perhaps needs use of different drug in different area of the country. ACT is expensive , not available at all places and therefore may be second choice in uncomplecated situation.
Thank you for your comments. It is true that the distribution of sensitive versus susceptible malaria is often generally described at country-level, whereas the regional dynamics are usually more subtle. The WHO has recommended ACTs as first line treatment in order to prevent future resistance from emerging, and the Roll Back Malaria initiative, among others, has been very instrumental for providing Coartem to high transmission areas. It is very interesting to hear your success with chloroquine for non-complicated Pf as well as Pv – do you monitor for signs of emerging resistance? Thank you again for visiting the site and sharing your insight on malaria treatment! – Claire