Question: Please send me malaria parasite counting formula Answer: Malaria parasites are usually counted against white blood cells using a thick blood smear under a microscope. The person reading the slide should use two tally counters, one for malaria and one for the white blood cells. (Note - Some tally counters can take multiple tallies at the same time, which means only one tally counter … [Read more...]
How Mosquito Immune System Attacks Specific Infections, Including Malaria Parasite
Researchers have determined a new mechanism by which the mosquitoes’ immune system can respond with specificity to infections with various pathogens, including the parasite that causes malaria in humans, using one single gene. Unlike humans and other animals, insects do not make antibodies to target specific infections. According to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public … [Read more...]
Time Needed for Malarial Parasite to Develop in Mosquito
QUESTION How long must a malaria parasite grow in its host before it can be transmitted to humans? ANSWER The successful development of the malaria parasite in the mosquito (from the "gametocyte" stage to the "sporozoite" stage) depends on several factors, but usually takes 10 - 18 days. The most important is ambient temperature and humidity (higher temperatures accelerate the parasite … [Read more...]
Is Malaria Transmitted by Female Mosquitoes?
QUESTION Is malaria caused by only female mosquitoes? ANSWER Malaria is only transmitted by female mosquitoes, yes. This is because only female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles (the genus that transmits malaria in mammals, including humans) feed on blood, and the parasite that causes malaria (called Plasmodium) spends part of its life cycle in the blood. Therefore, when a female mosquito … [Read more...]
What is the Meaning of the Word “Malaria”?
QUESTION The word malaria comes from two medievial Italian words meaning? ANSWER Malaria comes from "mal" and "aria," which means "bad air." Before the parasite that caused malaria was discovered, people thought the disease was caused by foul air, and associated it with marshes and low-lying swamps. They were not 100% wrong—those areas are perfect breeding grounds for the mosquitoes … [Read more...]
Malaria Parasite Seminar
QUESTION i am lab technician, and I am requesting a seminar of malaria parasite. Thanks. ANSWER Thank you for your question. Perhaps if you could provide us with a bit more detail as to what you would like to see in a seminar, and we can try to create a seminar-like presentation that we can make available on our website. Alternatively, if you let us know where you are based (city, … [Read more...]