Question: Hello, I'm wondering if I should be worried about whether my malaria will come back or not. I came down with Falciparum in the US and was treated with malarone pills (four pills a day for three days); was ill enough to be hospitalized, but did not have severe malaria. About a week and a half after finishing the treatment (and two days after returning to a malaria-endemic country) I … [Read more...]
Lasting Effects of Malaria
QUESTION What are the lasting effects of malaria? ANSWER Most people who get malaria and receive the correct treatment in time, usually have no long term affects of malaria infection. However some people who have suffered severe cerebral malaria (from P. falciparum) may experience some longer term neurological effects. There have been reports that up to 25% of young children with … [Read more...]
Can I Catch Malaria from Someone?
QUESTION My fiancee contracted malaria a few years ago. It was diagnosed as recurring. Could I contract malaria from the infected person, I have had similar symptoms which last a day or two, recurring with regular two week intervals, of which the most concerning are malaise, fever, stiff neck, headaches and severe pains over abdomen spreading into my mid back. What should I … [Read more...]
Is Malaria Deadly?
QUESTION: Can malaria come back, and is it deadly? ANSWER: In some cases, and if not treated properly, malaria can come back. One example of when malaria comes back is when the infection is not completely cleared from the blood, for example if the full course of treatment is not taken. This is more common with Plasmodium falciparum malaria, as it can multiply rapidly in the blood. This … [Read more...]
Can I get malaria again?
QUESTION: Hello, I have had malaria four times in Papua New Guinea, the last time was the "brain" type - sorry don't know the name. The other times were 'regular' malaria. I have been free of it for 21 years now; could it still recur in me? thanks, Jay ANSWER: Hi Jay, thanks for your question. The “brain” type you are referring to is probably Plasmodium falciparum, which is known for … [Read more...]
Can malaria come back?
QUESTION: If you had malaria once, can it return for a second time without being in a malaria area? ANSWER: Yes. There are several ways in which malaria can come back without being re-infected again. The blood forms of the parasites can sometimes persist at low numbers, so that the patient no longer has any symptoms; if these blood forms begin to reproduce again, the patient will once … [Read more...]