QUESTION I just recently returned from Senegal, 60 days ago, in which I had taken Malaria medicine; Chloroquine. I am heading to Haiti in 5 days, and wondering if I am in need of taking Malaria medicine again, or was the time frame close enough that it would be fine to go without. ANSWER You are only protected against malaria while you are taking the anti-malarial prophylactic medicine. … [Read more...]
Recurrent Malaria
QUESTION Malaria has been with me since the late 1980's after 6 years in Malawi. During the 90's I had it twice per year in Feb and Sept. Blood tests always came up negative. Treatment was with Chloroquine, later Halafantrin and then Co Artem. 2 or 3 treatments were required as symptoms appeared 2 weeks after completion of initial treatment. In 2004 I treated with a bodyweight specific dose … [Read more...]