QUESTION What is a schizont? ANSWER A schizont is a malaria parasite which has matured and contains many merozoites, which are the parasite stage that infects red blood cells. Schizonts can be produces during two separate phases of the life cycle within the human host: first in the hepatocytic cells in the liver (when sporozoites mature) during the exo-erythrocytic cycle and then … [Read more...]
Primaquine for Malaria Treatment
QUESTION: In India what is the duration of primaquine therapy in confirmed Malaria infection? ANSWER: Primaquine is usually used to kill the hypnozoite stages of Plasmodium vivax or P. ovale. This life stage of the malaria parasite can reside, dormant in the liver's hepatocyte cells, even after the patient has completed the normal course of treatment for the infection; at this stage, the … [Read more...]