QUESTION: What are the causes of malaria? ANSWER: Malaria is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium. These are single-celled animals known as protozoans (from the Greek 'protos' and 'zoia' which together mean 'first animal') and they are transmitted via mosquitoes that feed on blood; the parasites need both mosquito and human hosts to complete their life cycle (see below a graphic of … [Read more...]
Is malaria caused by a dietary absence?
QUESTION: Is malaria caused by the absence of one of the following in diet: bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa? ANSWER: If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if malaria is caused by the absence of a particular organism from a person's diet—in fact, malaria is caused by a protozoan, but infection is not linked to a person's diet. Instead, people are infected with the … [Read more...]
Causes of Malaria
QUESTION: What causes malaria? ANSWER: Malaria is a disease caused by a parasitic single-celled animal known as Plasmodium. There are different species of Plasmodium, which cause different kinds of malaria. The main types which infect humans are P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae. The parasite is transmitted by certain species of mosquito; the parasite lives in the human … [Read more...]
What is malaria?
QUESTION: What is malaria? ANSWER: Malaria is a disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium. Transmitted by mosquitoes, there are several different kinds of malaria distributed throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world, causing somewhere between 300-500 million cases of disease each year, and as many as 1 million deaths. In fact, malaria is one of the biggest … [Read more...]