How many people have died from malaria since 1966?
Accurate counts of the number of people who die from malaria are notoriously hard to make, since often the infection goes diagnosed, or the cause of death is not reported. However, the World Health Organization has estimated that until recently, about 1 million died each year from malaria. So, without taking into account changes in population size or other demographic factors, that means roughly 45 million people have died from malaria since the mid 1960s.
In the last few years, large-scale coordinated global efforts as well as numerous grass-roots campaigns have sought to reduce the number of deaths from malaria, mainly through improved preventive methods, education, diagnosis and treatment availability. As such, in 2010, it was estimated that deaths were down to about 700,000 per year, though that figure is contested by some, who argue it should be far higher. Organizations such as Malaria No More and the Roll Back Malaria consortium seek to prevent all deaths from malaria by the year 2015, and are working tirelessly to achieve that target.
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