Jhpiego and the Ministry of Health today launched an ambitious, five-year partnership to improve malaria care nationwide in Burkina Faso and significantly reduce malaria illness and deaths.
The $15 million project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is focused on improving the quality of prevention, diagnosis and treatment services in 100 percent of public health facilities and strengthening the capacity of health managers, providers and community health workers. The project aims to reduce malaria deaths by 50 percent throughout the small West African country, especially among pregnant women and children under five.
Malaria is the leading cause of health consultation, hospitalization and death in health facilities across Burkina Faso. Over 4 million cases of malaria were reported in 2011, and approximately 70 percent of children have been hospitalized for the disease by the time they turn five. The Improving Malaria Care project is part of the Obama administration’s commitment to save children across Africa from dying from preventable diseases.
“This program will help to reduce morbidity and mortality due to malaria, targeting the most vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and children less than five years old,” the Hon. Tulinabo Mushingi, the U.S. Ambassador to Burkina Faso, said in prepared remarks. “Investing in the fight against malaria will have an important benefit for child survival. Healthy children are at the heart of the prosperity of each nation and its sustainable development. Healthy children are more likely to live longer, stay in school, become active members of society and contribute to the development of Burkina Faso.”
With 18 years of experience improving reproductive, maternal and child health services including malaria prevention and control in Burkina Faso, Jhpiego will provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Health to:
- Reinforce the signs of malaria and information related to the disease across the health system;
- Accelerate the provision of quality services;
- Link clients and communities to expanded and improved services;
- Increase demand by women and their families; and
- Improve practices and skills of health providers.
Application of these strategies will help Burkina Faso achieve reduced malaria illness and death nationwide. Jhpiego will work in partnership with PROMACO (le Programme de Marketing Social et de Communication pour la Santé) to improve the public health system at a community, regional and national level.
Source: Jhpiego
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