Mosquito bites itch, and they almost always seem to come at the worst possible time.
Given it’s a problem pretty much everyone around the world encounters, lots of people are trying to find creative ways to get rid of them.
Below are 10 interesting methods used to combat mosquitoes and their bites. From bananas, to honey, people are getting quite creative to stop the itch. These methods were originally published on Pest Strategies, which is a piece that compiled 24 different ways people get rid of mosquito bites from around the internet.
This article is a quick summary looking at top 10 interesting ideas from that article.
But First, Why Do We Get Mosquito Bites?
Before we get into the actual remedies, it’s important to first look at why mosquito bites happen in the first place.
When a mosquito bites a human, it injects an anticoagulant into the bite area to prevent blood from clotting and allows the mosquito to feed uninterrupted. Most humans on earth are allergic to their saliva, which creates a small red itchy bump at the bite location.
When bitten, your body produces histamines to combat the allergen. Histamines are inflammatory further explaining the redness. Therefore, doctors may prescribe anti-histamines to reduce the body’s natural impulse and help alleviate mosquito-caused discomfort.
Mosquito Bite Remedies
Now that we’ve covered the “why” when it comes to the mosquito bite, let’s have a look at combating the inevitable itchy bite.
We all know about traditional mosquito repellants, but what about other (non-traditional) methods to prevent mosquitoes and help with mosquito bites.
Below are methods people are using to help, but please note these methods have not necessarily been tested scientifically or proven to be effective.
Let’s get into the list!
1. Banana peel
The first interesting mosquito remedy is banana peels.
More specifically, people will rub the inside of a banana peel on their mosquito bite.
Does this work?
There isn’t much research, but the general idea is that the antioxidants in the peel alleviate the itching sensation.
2. Activated Charcoal
The next on the list is activated charcoal.
This remedy has been gaining popularity across the health industry given its toxin absorption qualities.
If you’ve ever had a water filter, chances are it was using activated charcoal to clean the water.
Doctors also use activated charcoal in situations when patients accidently ingest something poisonous.
When it comes to mosquito bites, the idea is that the activated charcoal’s porous structure binds with the saliva from the mosquito to reduce the itchy sensation.
3. Bat Boxes
One bat can kill up to 1,000 mosquitos per night and a single bat box can attract up to 25 bats!
Don’t count on bats completely eliminating your mosquito problems as their diets do vary, but they are a totally natural way of trying to combat populations and reducing mosquito bites!
Here’s a quick video showing how bats can help!
4. Calamine Lotion
Calamine lotion is another recommended way to “soothe” a mosquito bite location and alleviate the itch.
5. Honey
Honey is one of those things that most people overlook as a miracle cure.
Has your grandma or mom ever given you tea mixed with honey telling you it’ll cure your cough, cold, or just general sickness?
It’s for good reason!
Honey has antimicrobial properties, which can help with reducing inflamation and the allergic reactions. If you get bitten, take a cotton swab and rub a bit on the bite for instant relief.
6. Lemons
When life gives you mosquito bites, get lemons!
Lemons are capable of changing the pH level on your skin to help with the mosquito bite itch.
Just cut a slice and rub on the affected area. Lemon juice has also been seen to be an effective mosquito repellent!
7. Scotch Tape
Scotch tape?!
Yes, scotch tape.
I’m afraid I can’t provide any scientific answers or research that would back up this remedy, but there are reports that it DOES work to help with mosquito bites (see image below courtesy of a Reddit post).
The only reason we can think of is that it blocks people from subconsciously scratching the bite, allowing it to heal more quickly.
8. Baking Soda
This one should be no surprise given how many uses baking soda has. When applied to your skin, baking soda reduces irritation and makes mosquito bites more bearable.
9. Aspirin
As mentioned, when a mosquito bites you it triggers your body to create histamines to fight the allergen from the mosquito saliva.
This creates an inflammatory response in most people’s bodies.
This is where aspirin comes in. Aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties. By crushing it up and mixing it with water, aspirin can help with your mosquito bite itch.
10. Ketchup
The last item on this list is ketchup.
Aside from enhancing the flavor of a hot dog or burger, ketchup can also help alleviate mosquito bite itches by changing the pH levels on your skin through its acidic properties.
Simply apply a teaspoon to the location and rub it in. Wipe it off after about minute and you should have some temporary relief at the bite location.
About The Author
Shane Dutka is the founder of Pest Strategies, a website resource providing guides and articles on pest removal best practices.
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